Fall 2024


Introduction to Mathematical Methods for Modeling and Data Analysis


Lecturer: Eli Galanti 



Monday, 09:15 to 11:00, FGS, Rm B

TA: Maayan Ziv



Wednesday, 11:15 to 12:00, FGS, Rm A



Overview and goals

Mathematical models are present in all of the scientific disciplines, providing a quantitative framework for understanding and prediction of natural phenomena. The output from such models, as well as observations, often requires complex mathematical analysis. The course provides an introduction to mathematical modeling and data analysis through in-depth discussion of a series of real examples, with an emphasis on 'hands on' exercises. Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to: (1) Understand the principles of mathematical modeling and data analysis, (2) Solve analytically and numerically a wide range of problems.



1)  Introduction to modeling: ordinary differential equations

Topics: First order equations; Second order equations


2)  Linear equations – Eigen values and vectors

Topics: Over and under determined problems; System of linear ODEs


3)  Introduction to data analysis

Topics: Single time series analysis; Multiple time series analysis; Multivariate time series analysis


4)   Mining of Big Data

Topics: Clustering; Classification


5)  Advanced modeling: partial differential equations

Topics: Diffusion-advection equations


6)  Combining models and data: optimization of model initial conditions and parameters

Topics: Optimization of unconstrained linear problems, Optimization of constrained nonlinear problems





o   Week 1 Matlab example

o   Week 2 Notes

o   Week 3 – Notes Matlab example generate_sparse publish

o   Week 4 – Notes Matlab example

o   Week 5 – Notes Matlab example Long.mat Interpolation

o   Week 6 – Notes Matlab_examples

o   Week 7 – Notes Matlab example

o   Week 8 – Notes Matlab_examples

o   Week 9 – Notes Matlab_example

o   Week 10 – Notes Matlab_example

o   Week 11 – Notes Matlab_examples

o   Week 12 – Notes Matlab_examples

o   Week 13 – Notes Matlab_example





o   Homework 1  submit by 20.11.2024

o   Homework 2 – submit by 11.12.2024

o   Homework 3 – submit by 18.12.2024

o   Homework 4 – submit by 01.01.2025 02.01.2025

o   Homework 5A – submit by 15.01.2025 with part B

o   Homework 5A&B – submit by 15.01.2025

o   Homework 6 – submit by 29.01.2025

o   Homework 7 – submit by 05.02.2025 09.02.2025 Solution









o   Strogarz, S.H: Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos. Perseus books, 1994

o   Cleve Moler: Numerical Computing with MATLAB, 2004

o   Leskovec, J., Rajaraman, A., and Ullman, J. D: Mining of massive datasets. Cambridge University Press, 2014.

o   Gill, Murray, and Wright: practical optimization (1981)






1)     Introduction to modeling: ordinary differential equations


1st order equations (Class notes)

o   Motivating examples: Population dynamics, global earth temperature

o   Graphical solution method and stability analysis (Strogatz 21-26)

o   Numerical solutions - Euler and improved Euler (Strogatz 32-33, matlab ode45)


2nd order equations (Class notes)

o   Motivating examples: Love affairs (Strogatz 138-140), pendulum (Strogatz 168-173)

o   Phase space and stability analysis (Strogatz 145-154)

o   Rabbits versus sheep (Strogratz 155-159) (given in tutorials)


2)     Linear equations and eigen decomposition


Over and under determined problems (Class notes, Matlab examples)

o   Motivating example: Medical tomography

o   Row interpretations

o   Over-determined - least squares solution

o   Under-determined - SVD/pseudo inverse

o   Matlab backslash operator vs. using matrix inverse

o   Sparse matrices


System of linear ODEs - eigenvalues and eigenvectors (Class notes)

o   Motivating examples: Google PageRank, Romeo & Juliet

o   Review of eigenvalues and eigenvectors (Strogatz 129-140)

o   Back to Romeo & Juliet

o   Non-linear equations - linearizing around fixed points (Strogatz 150-151)

o   Analysis of damped pendulum


3)     Data analysis


Single time series analysis (Class notes)

o   Motivating examples – Tropical Pacific sea surface temperature

o   Auto-correlations, Composite analysis

o   Spectral analysis (FFT) (Matlab example)

o   Regression and interpolation (Notes)


Multiple time series analysis (Class notes)

o   Motivating examples: stock prices, ENSO

o   The covariance matrix

o   Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using the covariance matrix

o   Fraction of variance explained

o   Examples in 1D and 2D


Multivariate time series analysis (Class notes)

o   Motivating examples: stock prices from two different markets, SST+winds

o   Multivariate PCA

o   Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)

o   MPCA vs. SVD                                

o   Image compression


4)     Mining of Big Data


Unsupervised learning: Clustering (Matlab, Notes, sections: 6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 6.5)

o   Motivating examples

o   Distances: Euclidian (L2), Manhattan (L1), maximum (L), Jaccard.

o   Hierarchical clustering, dendrogram, elbow plot

o   K-means


Supervised learning: Classification (Matlab, , Notes, sections: 7.1, 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.4.1, 7.4.2,, 7.4.4, 7.4.5)

o   Motivating examples

o   Introduction to machine learning

o   Perceptrons and Neural networks


o   Convolution Neural networks (CNNs) for image processing

o   Autoencoders for clustering, dimension reduction, and noise reduction.


5)     Advanced modeling: partial differential equations


Diffusion-advection equations (Notes)

o   Derivation of the diffusion-advection equation

o   Setting the boundary condition

o   Numerical solution - Finite differences

o   Steady state solutions using eigenvalues

o   Implicit solver – Euler backward


6)     Combining models and data: optimization of model initial conditions and parameters


Optimization of unconstrained linear problems (Notes)

o   Regression – linear model fitting

o   A general linear case with no constraints

o   Steepest descent (Gill 4.3.1,

o   Conjugate gradient (Gill 4.8.3)

o   Iterative optimization of an unconstrained linear model

o   Optimizing the strike of a pendulum


Optimization of constrained nonlinear problems (Notes)

o   The effect of nonlinearity on optimization – nonlinear pendulum

o   Motivating example - diffusion-advection with a source

o   Matlab `fmincon` (webpage)

o   Solving a bounded and constrained problem (Matlab code)





This is a basic introductory breadth course and should be accessible to all Weizmann graduate students, given that they took university level introductory courses in linear algebra and calculus.


o   Attendance of at least 80% of the lectures.

o   Submission of all homework assignments by deadline.

o   Submission of final assignment by deadline.

 Grading:  Home assignments 70 points, final assignment 30 points.